feature friday~ bookcases (62)

Friday, 31 March 2017

Welcome to Feature Friday!

This again makes me want a beach house. Re-purposing a canoe can be a great way to keep memories alive. It also would be a great place to store books about the sea, travel and adventure.
What do you think?

Image found on Google.

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le book review number two hundred eighty-four~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #149

Thursday, 30 March 2017

27278986Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 149
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I love how Negan is featured in a more dominant position with Rick being more submissive. This is a different portrayal and shows how Rick is asking for advice rather than giving it.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Rick is planning on creating a military and using the stockpile of ammunition that Eugene’s factory has been producing. He wants to select people and train them so that they are combat ready to go against the Whisperers.

le book review number two hundred eighty-three~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #148

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

26839666Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 148
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I like the darkness of this cover and the way the Mask is shown. I also like the tear drop that has fallen.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Rick is trying to keep everyone calm. Many of the people are scared though, and they are angry. A fight breaks out at the community meeting, and it is called to a close for everyone to go home to regroup tomorrow when emotions are not running as high. Rick has gone to Negan and asks for help.

le book review number two hundred eighty-two~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #147

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

26219375Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 147
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
This cover shows isolation and darkness once again. I think that this cover looks like a storm. I like how wind is captured by showing blowing leaves.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Andrea is taking Carl and Lydia to the Hilltop because Eugene is rallying people against her to use her as a way to bargain with the Whisperers. Michonne and Rick talk openly about their losses. Lydia is angry that the protection that was promised may not be in her favour, and she pulls a gun on Andrea.

feature friday~ bookcases (61)

Friday, 24 March 2017

Welcome to Feature Friday!

I really like the open design of this shelving unit. I also think the vibrant colour is really cool and can be used as a statement piece in an otherwise darker room.
What do you think?

Image found on Google.

Thank you for reading!

le book review number two hundred eighty~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #146

Thursday, 23 March 2017

25872892Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 146
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
This cover has such great detail on it. It shows how strained emotions are and how anxious people have become.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

The communities are not happy with Rick. They are angry and they want to retaliate against Alpha and the other Whisperers. Eugene thinks that by using Lydia, Alpha’s daughter, is an advantage that they have over the Whisperers, despite the way herd of zombies that they are controlling.

le book review number two hundred seventy-nine~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #145

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

25698409Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 145
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I think the colours are represented so well. I really like how the sword represents the bloodshed with a white and black background to blend innocence and darkness.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Rick, Carl, Andrea, Michonne, and Dante returned to the Alexandria fair to report the news of what happened with the Whisperers and how they murdered many of their friends and loved ones.

le book review number two hundred seventy-eight~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #144

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

25528365Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 144
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
GenreHorror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I think this cover shows how Rick has progressed and aged from the beginning up until now. It also shows the difference in appearance that can result from his changes in personality.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Alpha sent her daughter with Rick and Carl. She went on a killing spree of Rick’s community people, and placed their heads on stakes as markers of their borders and the territory that she has claimed.

feature friday~ bookcases (60)

Friday, 17 March 2017

Welcome to Feature Friday!

I really like the difference in heights on these shelves, but also that they move. It adds a unique design without taking away from simplicity and elegance. A minimalistic appearance.
What do you think?

Image found on Google.

Thank you for reading!

le book review number two hundred seventy-six~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #143

Thursday, 16 March 2017

25131077Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 143
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I love the silhouettes and the pale pink hues. I think this cover has so much beauty.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

The Whisperers have taken Rick to Carl. Carl refuses to leave without Lydia because he feels that she is the only one who understands him. The Whisperers have a massive herd of zombies at their disposal if they need to use them.

le book review number two hundred seventy-five~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #142

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

25130875Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 142
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I really think the progress of the fair on this cover is important. It shows just how far they have all come and how much hard work was put into making this a success.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

The fair that they have been preparing for is taking place. However, Andrea, Rick, Michonne, and Dante are on a search mission to try and locate Carl. The Alpha of the Whisperers has shown up at the fair, but nobody is aware yet of this.

le book review number two hundred seventy-four~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #141

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

24995670Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 141
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
This cover has a great central feature of Negan and the ominous implications are revealed.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Olivia accidentally didn’t lock Negan’s cage. However, he didn’t leave his cell. Instead, he stayed to try to prove to Rick that he can be trusted. Maggie and the people at the Hilltop have hung Gregory for his betrayal.

feature friday~ bookcases (59)

Friday, 10 March 2017

Welcome to Feature Friday!

I know I used a similar shelving unit a couple weeks ago, but I love how this one can be used on a wall and not necessarily just as a corner piece. It could be a beautiful incorporation to have both of these to tie rooms together for a seamless design.
What do you think?

Image found on Google.

Thank you for reading!

le book review number two hundred seventy-two~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #140

Thursday, 9 March 2017

24674666Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 140
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I love the intensity of the emotion. As well, I also think that showing how Sophia has also grown up is a great inclusion.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Carl is still with Lydia and the whisperers. As well, Gregory is still locked up for the time being, but Maggie feels he is too much of a danger and since he threatens her life she thinks he needs to be killed. While Negan was being cleaned up, the door to his jail cell didn’t lock properly, so now there is potential for him to escape.

le book review number two hundred seventy-one~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #139

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

23784570Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 139
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I love this imagery. It has a great sunset and incorporates Rick's silhouette very nicely.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Michonne returned from a trip to sea. She tells Rick how she feels guilty that she wasn’t there for her daughters and that was why she took a trip away from Ezekiel because she felt she didn’t deserve to be happy with a new life after how her past life had turned out.

le book review number two hundred seventy~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #138

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

23784562Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 138
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I think this has interesting detail and imagery.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

The Whisperers came to trade people from the Hilltop to get back Lydia. Carl is angry and upset that she has left so he has set out to follow them.

feature friday~ bookcases (58)

Friday, 3 March 2017

Welcome to Feature Friday!

I love the puzzle piece idea of a shelving unit. It is so unique and cute, but has a level of class and simplicity that doesn't limit it for just children.
What do you think?

Image found on Google.

Thank you for reading!

le book review number two hundred sixty-eight~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #137

Thursday, 2 March 2017

23557010Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 137
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I really like how Carl is featured and that it shows how much he has changed. This transition is very clear from when he was a little boy in the beginning of the series and he is growing into a man.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Carl continues to talk to Lydia in the prison. Maggie allows Lydia to leave, but Carl has vouched for her and now has to watch her to ensure that she doesn’t hurt anyone, otherwise he will be blamed. Lydia has sex with Carl, and Maggie gets poisoned.

le book review number two hundred sixty-seven~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #136

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

23385000Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 136
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: The Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 32
Year Published: 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
I really like how this features the stitching on the masks and how trees are laid out. I also love the detail of clouds in the sky and the colour that is incorporated perfectly.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

Gregory is trying to convince everyone that they would be better off with him in charge again. The Whisperers have followed Jesus back to the Hilltop. Carl gives the Whisperer girl his hat as a way to make her feel less alone. Rick returns to Alexandria.