Book title: City of Bones
Author: Cassandra Clare
Personal star rating: 4.5/5 stars
I loved reading this book. The fantasy world that was created was so vivid and marvelous. The characters were well described, and very real. I found Clarissa (Clary) Fray to be a like-dislike relationship. Some of the things she did amazed me, and I felt she was such a strong character, but at other times I wondered what she was thinking and why she would do some of the things she did.
A summary:
Clary was an ordinary girl searching for excitement at Pandemonium where the unique people go to hang out, dance and meet people like them. She suddenly notices three teenagers Alec, Isabelle and Jace about to kill a boy and she is the only one who can see them. These three adolescents are good friends and Shadowhunters. Suddenly Clary is part of a war and a world that she had been protected from and Jace is the only one who really likes her being a part of the Shadow World. Neither Alec or Isabelle seem to care much about her, and mundane Simon, Clary's best friend, becomes involved and in danger. Valentine, on his search for the Mortal Cup doesn't care who he will hurt on his quest for power. Clary's mom is in danger, and she desperately needs the help of her new friends to help save everything she has known her life.
I found Jace to be frustrating at times, but in an endearing, captivating way. I found myself involved in the writing and it was very interesting to read about the fantasy world. Isabelle and Alec, although they were sub characters, were very important on building up who Jace is and what the Shadow World is like.
I found the ending to be extremely surprising and was not disappointed by it. I didn't know where it would take me next throughout the entire novel and the climax was so well written that I could imagine so many possibilities the next book in the series will have.
The only reason this book doesn't get 5 stars, is because it was a struggle to follow everything at once. I find this a really good thing, because it makes me want to read it again, but a not as good thing by taking me longer to get through.
your book review has made me want to read this book. Keep up the good book reviews.
I definitely recommend it. I'm sure you will enjoy it (:
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