le book review number eleven~ specials

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

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Title: Specials
Author: Scott Westerfeld
Star Rating: 4/5 stars

This is the third and last book of the trilogy (although not the last book of the series because Extras is still out there. I haven't decided whether I'll read it yet though.)

Tally still frustrated me. Although she's the main character, I can honestly say she's not the easiest to relate to. At times I feel like she should just stop being so annoying. There wasn't a lot involving other characters in this book, it was mainly about her. Which the specials are brainwashed to only think of herself, it is very apparent how self-centered she became.

I did give the book 4/5 stars because Scott Westerfeld has a beautiful way of writing. Tally wasn't the greatest main character, but his writing and plot where interesting and unique enough that that's the only thing I really disliked about the book.

I thought Shay was still the most "icy" character. Zane deserved so much more than Tally could see. David wasn't as prominent as I thought he would have been (but it has been awhile since I read pretties and uglies) so that might just be the time lapse causing my brain to mix things up a bit.

In terms of recommendations, I'd recommend the series based on plot and his writing But based on characters, I still felt Shay was more interesting and and Tally was a bit on the annoying side.

I chose not to do any memorable moments from this book so it's just the review today.


Shadow Lawliet said...

I like your recognition of Scott Westerfeld's writing style~ I really love it myself. c: When it comes to Tally though, I have mixed feelings, so I should probably reread the series and pay more attention to her personality to see what I think. I know that I did enjoy Extras though, primarily because of the Japanese elements that got mixed in; the society was also really interesting. (Tally isn't the main character either; I'm not sure if you knew that, but you might find it relevant to your decision of whether you'll read it.)

Becca said...

My sister read extras so i was aware about tally not being part of it. that was partially why i wasn't sure if i would read it because it's not actually with the trilogy. i enjoyed specials more than i thought i was going to and probably with rereading it, i'd probably get more out of them. as for relevancy to my decision, i'm thinking i want to read it purely because of the Japanese elements (except you might have to do some explaining if i have questions.)

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