le book review number fifteen~ will grayson will grayson

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

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title: will grayson will grayson
author: john green
star rating: 5 stars

From the back cover:

will grayson, meet will grayson
One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two strangers cross paths. Two teens with the same name, running in two very different circles, suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, culminating in heroic turns-of-heart and the most epic musical to ever grace the high school stage.

The humor was astonishing and you could not help yourself, you just had to laugh. Sometimes I wasn't sure what I found so hilarious but I smiled and chuckled and giggled amongst other synonyms associated with  laughter.

I admire the characters that were created. Will Grayson and will grayson were so different, yet, they both related to human nature. WG thought of himself as the one who tags along. He doesn't realize how important he is to Tiny. wg thought of himself, as david levithan describes, as the lowercase letters of the world. Tiny was larger than life (in more ways than one) and Jane was musically pretentious and could make even the most selfless person just a bit jealous. 

There were insightful moments that where so honest and vulnerable and it is so mind blowing how they string those letters together to create such emotionally charged and brilliantly complex sentences and paragraphs. 

I love the way the story is about after. Tiny knows he's gay. will grayson knows he's depressed. Will Grayson doesn't know where he fits in. Jane knows she's musically educated. but throughout the entire book you never wonder if they'll discover they're going to 'get better' (by coming out or getting medication) because they're already dealing with it.

I'd recommend the book.


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