Title: Stuart Little
Author: E. B. White
Pages: 131
Pictures by: Garth Williams
Year Published: 1945
Publisher: Harper & Row
Rating: 3/5 stars
The famous story of a most unusual mouse
Stuart Little is a mouse in the family of the Frederick C. Littles and is a pleasantly debonair little character, with a shy, engaging manner and a somewhat philosophical turn of mind. His size - juse over two inches - does give him some trouble now and then. But on the whole his life is a happy one. His great adventure comes when, at the age of seven, he sets out in the world to seek his dearest friend, Margalo, a beautiful little bird who stayed in the Littles' Boston fern.
I've had this book on my shelf for years. I remember my mom buying E. B. White books when I was in Elementary School. I was somewhat surprised by this book. I enjoyed it, but felt it was greatly lacking in many aspects. It was decent, but hardly memorable. The main character wasn't described in great detail and his adventures were only adequate to me. Perhaps if I had read it at an earlier age I would feel differently. I think it was a nice simple read, but I was hoping it would give me more to think about and I would feel accomplishment out of reading it. I think the story is cute in some parts, seemingly strange in some parts, but overall unique and it is a classic. I'm glad I read it only I wish I had read it when I was younger.
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