le book review number eighty-six~ but i love him

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

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Title: But i Love Him
Author: Amanda Grace
Pages: 245
Publisher: Flux
Year First Published: 2011
Personal Star Rating: 4/5 stars 

Sometimes at night, I wake up and stare at the heart for house. I think of how I collected each piece from the beach, how I glued it all together into one big sculpture. I wonder if Connor realizes what it means, that he'll always have a piece of me no matter what happens. Each piece of glass is another piece of myself that I gave to him.
It's too bad I didn't keep any pieces for myself.

Cover Comments:
I really like the cover. It is really reflective of the novel itself. The colours are very interesting, the jagged title font showcases the topic of the book. I was especially drawn to the interesting heart.

Title Thoughts:
Accurate to the book. It makes a lot of sense to have it as the title and was part of the reason I picked it up.

I found this book was really amazing. It was well written, well described, showed character growth and had such an interesting appeal in being told chronologically backwards with flashforwards to the present situation mixed in. A topic of relationship abuse, this book wasn't typical and I felt it showed the reality with characters that felt real. It showed how it changed Ann drastically over the course of the book without being "her life is ruined because of Connor and she should have known from the start to stay away from him because we don't know the start until the end". It seemed that the situation was very sad and even though at times I would be frustrated with Ann for being with Connor, I understood her reasoning and felt very sorry for her. The book showed how someone could easily get involved with that abusive life without realizing it. It showed the progression of the relationship and the abuse. Overall I was really impressed and would give it another read if I ever found the time.


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