le book review number one hundred forty-six~ The Walking Dead, Single Issue #45

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

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13505919Title: The Walking Dead, Issue 45
Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrator: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
SeriesThe Walking Dead
Genre: Horror Comic, Graphic Novel
Pages: 28
Year Published: 2007
Publisher: Image Comics
Personal Star Rating: 5/5

Cover Comments:
This cover is beautiful and artistic. I love the colour and the detail. It has such a strong image, and shows how nobody is safe in this new world.

Spoiler Warning:
The following review may contain spoilers.

As Andrea, Dale, the twins, Sophia, Maggie and Glenn leave the prison to avoid the Governor, Rick recovers after his gunshot wound. Tyreese and Michonne follow the Governor in hopes of attacking more of the people. However, they did prepare the prison for further fighting. Unfortunately Tyreese was captured during the fight, and Michonne is allegedly been shot and killed by one of the Governor's men. The prison is now in a state of uncertainty.


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